I write that title — Another Monday — even as I’m thinking those two words can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Some people might find them dark, like a cloud hanging overhead, looking at another week of work before the freedom of a weekend returns.
But for those of us who absolutely love Mondays, perhaps the title should have an exclamation point after it. Another Monday! In other words – Yippee! The start of another week to do what we love best, to work at a job we love, to devote uninterrupted time to doing what we’re wired to do.
Work should be a blessing, don’t you think? My hope and prayer for my children is that they’ll be blessed by the jobs they hold. I have hopes even for my handicapped son, that someday he’ll have the skills needed to work. He doesn’t mind doing repetitive things (actually finds comfort in routine) so it can be simple. But if he finds a reason to do a task, then it’s worth doing. That’s the key—it’s the reason work counts, and for him it doesn’t have to be complicated. It just needs to be: “This is what I do. It’s important, because it needs to be done.”
So today I’m doing a variety of things, because they need to be done. Continuing my research for my Work-In-Progress, Book Three in my Great War Series. I’ll also be doing what I do nearly every day: attending to email, running errands, and then tonight going to a local writer’s meeting. It’s what I do.
Today I’m hoping to get a better handle on the heroine for my WIP. I’ve found in the past that getting to know my character’s world, what she would have been immersed in, what she would have seen, been involved in, surrounded by, has a large impact on the kind of person she might be. There must be a reason for her to be alive during this particular time, she might not be a product of that environment, but she will undoubtedly be impacted in some way. Particularly since the time these characters would have lived—during the 1918-19 postwar trauma in Germany—had an impact upon just about everyone alive in Germany at that time.
Which must be why my research books seem to be calling me . . .
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