If you haven’t already read The Matchmaker’s Match, now is the time! I’m happy to say it’s free on Amazon until Tuesday.
This title is one of my favorite indies, inspired by the two sisters from my older title, Bees In The Butterfly Garden. If Mara sounds familiar to those of you who’ve read that story, it’s because she’s based on Claire’s younger sister, Evie. In Matchmaker’s Match, Mara has the bold and adventurous history you’d expect from the origins of this character. But having finally discovered a sincere faith, she knows no proper family would welcome someone who’s traveled the world alone. So she resigns herself to spinsterhood—until falling in love with a man she tries matching to another woman. It’s then her own dreams of marriage become impossible to ignore.
Set in Chicago’s Gilded Age, I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it!
Spring is finally in the air around here. Not only is my bleeding heart and lily of the valley blooming, but my youngest son is getting married! It’s such a joyous occasion, since we absolutely love his bride-to-be. It’s been fun thinking of ways to help them set up their own home—I’m a shopper at heart, so I’ve loved buying gifts from their registry. Not to mention seeing what others are providing! What a lovely, cross-cultural tradition: a community helping the upcoming newlyweds start their life together.
On the writing front, I’ve been busy re-editing two of my very first Inspirational novels, Pieces of Silver and Remember Me, both originally published more than a dozen years ago. After all these years, I can finally claim the fresh eye every writer hopes to have while polishing a story! So I’ve cut more then ten thousand words from each novel (I’m convinced my attention span has narrowed in the last decade) and updated here and there with deeper research and what I hope is a cleaner, more focused voice.
I’ve also worked with a talented voice artist who produced The Cranbury Papermaker on Audio. This was huge fun! Believe it or not, the narrator Devin Crowe is British, but she performs my American characters flawlessly. It was so fun listening to her bring my characters to life.
I’ll soon be looking for proofreaders to help me re-release a couple more older titles I’ve recently regained the rights to, so if you’re interested in helping out please email me at maureen@maureenlang.com
One last thought to leave you with today: I heartily wish I could have included the scent to those lily of the valley cuts pictured above. Whenever I take a whiff of such an indescribably lovely and natural perfume, I cannot help but be reminded of how much God loves you and me. What else can explain such a phenomena? Spring is like that—renewed life to sustain us no matter how hard was the winter. I pray you’ll be able to take a moment today to smell a flower, notice the new buds on a tree, or watch a bird build a new nest. We all need such reminders that God has surrounded us with so many gifts!
Thank you so much for offering a copy of your book, Maureen! I look forward to reading it, and congratulations on the exciting family news!
Thank you, Miralee! Fun times indeed. 🙂