There Must Be A Reason . . . to Believe the Bible
Have you ever been nudged by the Holy Spirit to do something? For me, one nudge was to write a book about why I believe what I believe. My husband and I have often discussed the five reasons we trust the Bible, so all I needed to do was flesh out our discussions a little. But not too much, because I wanted to keep it short.
And here it is! My one and only non-fiction book, at least to date. Of all my books, this one brought me the biggest blessing. I suppose exploring the reasons for my faith was bound to draw me closer to God, but as I researched in more detail the things I’ve always accepted, I found myself in awe of God’s love. The Bible is so miraculously written and its message of love is so clear, my faith increased. I couldn’t help being blessed!
So what are my five reasons to trust the Bible? In the book, I explore how archeology confirmed what the Bible revealed thousands of years ago, including the discovery of a library at an ancient town called Ebla that proved the Bible’s creation account was already oral tradition before God inspired Moses to write it down. I investigated how the fine-tuning of the Universe confirmed science is a partner to the God of the Bible, who created everything out of nothing. My brother, a pastor, helped me out with a chapter on Wisdom, where he described how God created us for a reason, and how the wisdom in the Bible can point us in the right direction for a fulfilled life. In my chapter on Prophecy, I share how the Dead Sea Scrolls verified what we already knew: Jesus’ birth was predicted long before He was born, along with many other details about His life. I even included some End Times prophecies, because some details as described in the Bible could only happen in modern times. And finally, I investigated the spiritual realm, and how Biblical teaching can lead not only to life change, but deepen our trust that life doesn’t end when we die.
I wrote this book as my own personal outreach, a way to express my faith that can easily be shared with others. Each of us should know why we believe whatever we believe, and I wanted this book as a tool to help clarify my reasons. Whether or not my friends and family agree with me on everything is less vital than starting the conversation to begin with, which I hope this book will do.
My prayer is others will find the same blessing I experienced when putting this together!
Kindle: Just .99 cents
Print: $5.30, 163 pages including the Foreword (don’t skip it!)
Guess what my family members are receiving this Christmas?
Merry Christmas!
I often think about many of the areas covered in the book but you offered a simple compilation. I’ll pass the book on.
Thanks very much, Steve! That’s the reaction I was hoping for. 🙂