PunchTab will be choosing a winner for my contest today, Monday, at noon (Central Time). So if you haven’t already entered, click here and scroll down to the game card to enter. Somebody has to win, and it might be you!
And while we’re talking about winning . . . with the announcements of various contest wins and finalists and only a few days left before the start of the 2012 Summer Olympics, it’s hard not to take a moment to think about the whole idea of winning something. Of course my little contest is no comparison to working toward a goal, submitting yourself to competition, being at the mercy of judges who are supposed to be impartial. I’m not sure why any of us do it, except that competition really is the best inspiration for working hard and improving our performance. Unfortunately that comes with the possibility of disappointment. There’s a reason that old saying became so popular from Wide World of Sports: The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.
Truthfully I think more of us can relate to the agony of defeat, because even winners at one time or another have most likely felt that. So if there’s any comfort in vast and varied company, at least we can claim we’re not alone! I’ve also found that the older I get, contests are one more facet of life that takes on new meaning. They’re a useful marketing tool, but as with most of life they become less of a factor in defining how I feel about myself or my writing. God has placed enough people in my life to help me feel His love and better define what’s more important. Those Olympic athletes who don’t bring home the gold might not feel that way yet, but when they look back on life they’ll know they did their best and that’s all anyone can ask or expect.
So here’s to everyone who takes up a challenge, knowing sometimes the challenge itself is its own reward.
Check back later today when I’ll edit this post with the winner’s name!
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